Pay Per Click Management

Portrait of cheerful young manager handshake with new employee.

Beyond A1 manages the PPC campaigns and you get the benefits

Pay per click campaigns are a powerful way to get exposure and leads for new potential customers. Although any business can create a campaign fairly quickly, it does not mean results come pouring in. Not only do we run multiple targeted campaigns, we optimize where the ads take them. Getting a new customer to click an ad is one thing, but getting a new lead or purchase from that click, that’s the tougher part.

From Google Ads to Facebook ads

We cover all the main platforms so we don't miss the opportunity to find you new customers.

Remarketing / Retargeting

Whether its a campaign to engage brand new customers or ones that know you (but need a reminder of who you are), we have you covered.

program covers

Management Services Offered

Our clients are partners. The pay per click is a marketing journey that we share and we make sure you are never in the dark.

1. You Own The Account Sale

We bring the customers to you and you own the results.

2. Optimize for Conversions

We target the right demographics to get real conversions.

3. Reports with measurable results

We run our campaigns off of real data and we share the results.

4. Optimized Landing Page

We focus on user experience to help you get what you want from the click.

5. Structured Campaigns

We structure each campaign on a set amount of months so everyone is on the same page.

6. Scheduled Touch Points

Depending on the campaign we schedule "check ins" on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Attractive offers and building advertising campaigns that will generate leads

We use the data from our research to find the best way to engage the right customers. We leverage the benefits to your customers and everybody wins.

What the process looks like

Monthly Management campaign Structure

Each campaign will have a set time frame that we agree on. We will run the campaigns for three months, six months, twelve months, and beyond.


We review all current adverting accounts (or decide the ones you want to advertise on) and discuss the goals of running a pay per click advertising campaign.

After we have determined the goals we will discuss the strategy for the campaign and the minimum amount we would recommend to spend.  It is common to start conservatively with budget and ramp it up throughout the campaign.

After we have determined the budget we will share the research we’ve done on what we understand to be the best keywords and demographics to focus on to achieve your goals.

All of the research comes to life. We will take all of the data and keywords and build out the campaign on each platform to be used.

Lastly, we ensure that each click takes your customers to content that will engage them. If your goal is to get contacts, we walk your customers into leaving their email. If you want them to purchase something we provide value and a seamless user experience.

Want to Get a PPC Management Proposal from Beyond A1?

Provide us a brief overview of what you need and we will reach out to you within 24 hours.